What You Need to Know About Pool Resurfacing

What You Need to Know About Pool Resurfacing

Your pool was here when you moved into your new house all those years ago. The kids are growing up, and that old pool just doesn’t look as nice as it used to. It still seems to be holding up okay, but you would like it to look as good as it did back in the old days. A pool resurface may be the answer, but it should really be handled by expert pool resurfacing contractors. Here is a look at how the whole process works.

First, tiles must be removed to give easy access to all concrete that will need to be resurfaced, exposing expansion joints and uncovering any problem areas that you may not even know about. After chiseling away the tiles, glue and grout, the surface is ready for cleaning.

Muriatic acid is very dangerous stuff. During use, your pool contractor will be wearing a protective mask with an eye shield. This will be spread over the entire inner surface concrete and scrubbed to remove old dirt, and algae. After a good scrubbing, soda ash will be used to neutralize the acid, and the puddle will be pumped out of the floor of your pool.

Finally, after prep and cleaning, a new surface of concrete will be laid in along the sides and bottom. The contractor will keep a water hose handy to continually spray the work, keeping the concrete moist to ensure even curing without cracks. In fact, some contractors will fill the pool while the concrete is still wet, giving them an upper hand in this area.

As you can see, this is a complicated process that is best handled by professionals. Sure, everything is available for you to go it alone, but training and experience are not on your side. For the best results, leave it to the pro’s.

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