What is Geothermal Heating for a Swimming Pool?

What is Geothermal Heating for a Swimming Pool?

If you want to get more from your swimming pool then there are many things you can consider doing. Pool resurfacing will help to remove damage to the floor that could cause people to trip and make your pool look newer, while adding a nearby hot-tub can give you more ways to use your pool and make your garden into your very own spa!

But another awesome way to upgrade your pool is with geothermal pumps. Here we will look at what that means and whether you should consider it.

What is a Geothermal Pump?

A geothermal pump is essentially a system that provides you with green energy for use in your pool and at no cost. It works by using a series of pipes that are so deep underground as to benefit from natural heating that comes from the ground. Deep below the ground the earth is warm because it absorbs heat from the sun but doesn’t get cooled by wind like the surface does. This then means that water can be run around the labyrinth of pipes to heat up and then funneled back into your pool – heating it in a way that’s completely free and great for the environment.

The Downsides

This might sound very appealing but there are some downsides. The main one of these is simply the fact that you’ll need to dig very deep underground and you’ll need a large area of garden to gather enough heat. This means that owners of small gardens need not apply, it means there’s a lot of work involved and it means that there’s a big upfront cost. It would likely be many years before you breakeven.

Geothermal pumps are one option then but they are not for everyone. Pool resurfacing and cleaning remain the easier ways to get the most from your pool without breaking the bank!


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