The 4 Most Frequent Pool Repairs

The 4 Most Frequent Pool Repairs

Owning a pool in the South is as common as owning a heavy jacket in Maine. Hot weather and cool water just go together. But sometimes it can feel like pools and repairs go together too. There are five pool repair issues that tend to occur more frequently than others, so it’s always a good idea to be aware of them and stay alert for any indication that it’s time to call your pool repair service. Maintaining a pool is no different than maintaining a car or your body; the longer you ignore signs of a problem and let it linger, the worse it will probably be to resolve.

LEAKS. Evaporation may not be the only reason that your pool seems to be losing water. Leaks are common in pools but can only be resolved by the complicated task of locating the source of the seepage. This is definitely a job for trained experts who have tools specifically for this purpose.

CRACKED LINING. The lining of a pool serves the rather essential purpose of keeping the water in the pool, so this isn’t an issue to ignore! Time is a major culprit in lining tears, but toys with sharp objects can also cause avoidable cracks and tears. While small tears are easy enough to patch, a small tear can become a large tear if left unrepaired, at which point an entirely new lining would be needed.

PUMP PROBLEMS. Motor and filter pumps are necessary components to a pool, but they have many different signs of malfunction. They may lose water suction power, begin to leak, turn off without warning or not at all, make obnoxious noises, or produce cloudy water at the wrong temperature. By making sure your pump is regularly serviced you can proactively avoid these issues.

LOW LIGHTS. You probably have lights in your pool that keep the water looking elegant at night and clean during the day. Just like the lightbulbs in your house, these need to be watched for burnouts and necessary replacements.

Looking out for necessary pool repair and taking action at the first sign of a problem is the key to less stressful pool maintenance. Your pool service company will always know what to do to keep your pool in its best working condition.



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