Quartz versus Pebble Surfaces

Quartz versus Pebble Surfaces

In this article I would like to help you make an informed decision on the interior finish you will use to re-finish your swimming pool. There are two types of surfaces that we offer, both exposed aggregates. One of which uses a quartz aggregate and the other pebble. The main difference between these two surfaces is the size of the aggregate stone used, the quartz being a crushed stone while the pebble finish is made of tumbled stone.

marquis quartz starsMarquis quartz is a factory blended mixture of polymer modified cement, quartz aggregates and various admixes specifically designed as an exposed aggregate coating for the interior of swimming pools. It has a safe, slip resistant surface and is exceptionally durable. This product has a typical lifespan of about 10-12 years with a manufacturer’s warranty of 10 years on material. Although it may not have the longevity a mini pebble surface may have, it is still a beautiful surface that you can enjoy for many years.

pebble starsMini Pebble pool finishes are of the highest quality pool resurfacing material available. Essentially this material consists of specially formulated cement blended with tumbled pebble aggregates. The pebbles comprise the majority of a spa or pool surface to simulate the natural beauty of creeks and riverbeds. This product has a typical lifespan of about 18-22yrs with a limited lifetime manufacturer’s warranty on material and should seriously be considered if you plan on staying in your home for an extended period.

Remember, no matter what surface you choose to go with, it all comes down to the applicator. Choose Advanced Pool & Spa, who has been in business for over 30 years, and a close working relationship with both Premix Marbletite (quartz) and Stonescape (mini pebble), to refinish your pool and you’ll be finishing with the best in the business!

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