Most swimming pools are often designed to be a prominent feature in a home; the plumbing, however, is almost always tucked away and out of sight. Realistically, plumbing and equipment are the less glamourous part of a swimming pool so for the majority of homeowners, not only is it out-of-sight, out-of-mind, but pool plumbing and equipment are not typically a priority when it comes time to remodel their pool. However, remodeling your pool is a great opportunity to turn your attention to the plumbing and equipment system.

Most pools that are being remodeled are approximately 10-20 years old (or more). A good way to think of it is: if its time to resurface your pool because it is old and worn, it may be time to consider replacing some of your equipment because it too, is likely old and worn. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule; however, pool equipment (lights, pumps, filters, etc.) often has a life expectancy approximately in-line with the pool finish.
It is especially important for pool filters and pumps to be fully functional prior to your pool being refilled after resurfacing, because during few weeks while your pool finish is curing, your filter will be working harder than usual to handle cement dust that is being brushed from your new finish.

Another consideration when it comes to your pool equipment is your plumbing. In older pools, often the plumbing is modified when new equipment is added, over time. This can lead to a tangle of pipes and an unnecessary mess. In addition to being unsightly, the more twists and turns that the water has to navigate, the less efficient the system will run due to increased drag and reduced flow. This means your pool equipment is working harder than it needs, causing more wear and tear on the pump, and a higher electricity bill. In addition, most older pool plumbing features 1.5” pipe. Wherever possible, we try to upgrade the plumbing to 2” pipe in order to further reduce drag and increase the water flow.
Replacing your equipment or reworking the plumbing can help to make all your equipment run more efficiently which can lead to several benefits including: reduced costs to operate your pool, a cleaner and clearer pool, and less wear and tear on your pool pump. This can also help to make the pool equipment more user friendly by eliminating unnecessary controls and simplifying the plumbing.
If you are thinking of remodeling your pool, perhaps it’s time to consider updating your equipment system too!
Advanced Pool & Spa is a family owned and operated, fully licensed, bonded, and insured pool remodeling company located in Land O Lakes, Florida. We have been in business for 39 years and take pride in our work. We hope to be able to help answer your pool related questions and would love to help make your remodeling dreams a reality! Give us a call or send us an email today for an estimate on resurfacing or remodeling your residential or commercial pools and spas. We can be reached at 813-995-2939 or