Common Signs Your Pool Needs Some Repair Work

Common Signs Your Pool Needs Some Repair Work

Owning your own pool can be a great thing, relaxing during the hot summer days and enjoying the warm summer nights floating in your personal oasis. However, there are times when owning a pool may not be so blissful. Pools require maintenance throughout the year and at times they may need to be repaired.

Checking for Leaks

Most pools will lose about one to 2 and a half inches of water each week. When it is hot during the day and cool at night, evaporation will be at its highest. You should keep track of the pool’s water levels and if it is losing more than 3 inches in a week, you may have a leak.

If you suspect that you have a leak in your pool, it is best to call a professional to help determine where the leak might be. Leaks can occur in the lining of the pool, cracks, or even within the filtration system. A professional will be able to find the leak quite quickly. If you want to find the leak on your own you should be able to look up some tips on the best way to do this.

Filter Issues

Another common issue that may arise is problems with the filter. The filter is important for keeping your pool clean. To keep your pool the cleanest, the filter should run all the time. However, if you do not want it running around the clock you should keep it on for at least 8 hours in the summer and 4 to 6 hours in the winter.

If you notice buildup of debris in your pool, there is likely a problem with your filter and you may need to call in to have it looked at.

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