Is It Time to Get Your Pool Resurfaced?

Is It Time to Get Your Pool Resurfaced?

Whether your backyard pool is part of family fun, romantic nights, entertaining friends, or some combination of all these things, chances are you take pride in your swimming pool. You should, too. A pool can be fun, relaxing and beautiful.

A pool is also hard work. You have to properly maintain it and its needs will change depending on the season. Eventually, you will start seeing some wear in your pool. The surface of your pool is a likely candidate for this wear.

If you notice staining, cracking, pitting or other signs of wear and tear, it may be time for some pool repair and resurfacing.

What Causes Pool Surface Degradation?

It’s inevitable that degradation will occur over time. You might not have thought of budgeting swimming pool repairs when you first got the pool, but eventually it will be a necessity.

Natural erosion can cause problems. More serious damage by destabilization or contact with groundwater could also be a culprit (and means you need more than resurfacing). Wear might also be due to improperly balanced pool chemicals.

How Is it Fixed?

Resurfacing typically involves putting a new finish on your pool’s surface. The most common is an aggregate finish. The plaster variety is the most economical. A premium option is a pebble finish, which is basically just what it sounds like – pebbles are incorporated into the finish. This gives your pool more texture.

How Do I Prevent This From Happening?

The best thing you can do is make sure you’re balancing your pool’s chemicals correctly. You should be testing for alkalinity, pH and calcium hardness. There are chemicals that will affect the levels of all these. After you achieve the proper balance, then you can add in your chlorine.

Don’t Delay Getting Your Pool Resurfaced

If you put off getting your pool repaired, the problem will only escalate. Besides protecting your pool, a resurfaced pool will reflect more light and have more of that desirable blue tint. You’ll go back to being proud of your pool.

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