The Top Five Reasons Swimming is the Perfect Exercise

The Top Five Reasons Swimming is the Perfect Exercise

With the holidays fast approaching, many folks are looking to avoid the notorious holiday weight-gain that can come with lavish feasts and holiday treats. For pool owners, they need look no further than the backyard pool—swimming is a fantastic exercise that can help ward off holiday gains. Here are five ways that swimming can be a great form of exercise! 

  1. Swimming is both cardio training and resistance training in one. Swimming allows you to accomplish both cardio and strength in one, making for a more efficient workout that gives you the best of both worlds.
  2. Swimming is a whole-body workout. In addition to enabling you to check both cardio and resistance training off your list, swimming engages multiple muscle groups at the same time, giving the swimmer a total-body workout. This type of workout typically burns more calories because you are engaging more muscle groups than if you were performing resistance exercises (like lifting weights) or cardio (like running) alone.
  3. Swimming is low impact. One of the drawbacks of running and lifting weights is they can be very tough on the joints because they are considered “high impact” activities. Swimming, on the other hand, is a low-impact exercise. Low-impact exercises are gentler on the joints which makes them better for people recovering from injuries and seniors.
  4. Swimming has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. Many forms of exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety.  Swimming, however, has been specifically shown to reverse damage to the brain caused by stress. Like yoga, swimming can create a relaxing feeling for the swimmer because the strokes used in swimming stretch the body and the rhythmic breathing help provide a calm and meditation-like state.
  5. Swimming injuries are uncommon. Swimming is non-weight-bearing which means the risk of injury is very low. Also, because it is a non-weight-bearing type of exercise, swimming is a perfect way for those who are overweight or seniors to work out without causing undue stress or strain on their joints. This also makes swimming a safe form of exercise for all ages, making it one of the few activities that both the very young and the elderly can safely enjoy together

If you’re ready to dive in and start swimming and its time to have your pool refinished or remodeled, please contact Advanced Pool & Spa for all your refinishing and remodeling needs! Advanced Pool & Spa is family owned and operated and has proudly served the Tampa Bay area for 35 years. We refinish and remodel commercial and residential swimming pools and spas and can also assist you with deck work. If your swimming pool or spa needs a new surface or remodel, or if it’s a little too chilly to swim in the winter and you are interested in getting a pool heater, please give us a call or contact us through out website, we would be delighted to help!

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